lunes, 3 de abril de 2017


The movement of electrons though conductibe materials produces effects that hava applications. For example, a hair dryer uses the energy of electrons to produce heat and movement-


The energy that an electric current produces as heat is called the Joule Effect. It is expressed by the following formula
                                                   E= I2xRxt
Most of the energy that is consumed by radiators and heaters is converted into heat.


-Incandescent bulbs

When an electrc current passes through the meatallic filament of a light bulb, iat produce light. This phenomenon is called incandescence.

-Fluorescent tubes

Inside a fluorescent tube, there is a metallic filament, normally made of tungsten. There is also an inert gas, such as argon, and a small amount of mercury

-Light emitting diodes (LED)

A light-emitting diode (LED) has laters of semiconductor materials. The n-type layer has extra electrons with negatively charged particles.

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