domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2016

Winch and crank mechanism

A WINCH is a cylinder that rotates around a horizontal axis. the formula is :
F x d = R x r

Rack and pinion,nut and bolt,wheel


NUT AND BOLT MECHANISM: Transform rotary motion into linear motion.


A rack and pinion is a type of linear actuator that comprises a pair of gears which convert rotational motion into linear motion.

Changes in direction and rotation


WORM DRIVE:A worm drive is a gear arrangement in which a worm meshes with a worm gear.The two elements are also called the worm screw and worm wheel

Belt drives and gear trains

To calculate the ratio of transmission between the first wheels and the last wheel of a belt dive:

N4/N1=D1 X D3 : D2 X D4

Compound pulley systems

A combination of fixed and a movable pulleys forms a block and tackle. A block and tackle can have several pulleys mounted on the fixed and moving axles, further increasing the mechanical advantage.

Vertical system

Horizontal system
F = R / 2 x n

Pulleys and compound pulley systems

In a system of pulleys the equilibrium between the forces depends on the path that the rope follows.

Has an axle mounted in bearings attached to a supporting structure. A fixed pulley changes the direction of the force on a rope or belt that moves along its circumference. F = R
MOVEABLE PULLEY: Has an axle in a movable block. A single movable pulley is supported by two parts of the same rope and has a mechanical advantage of two. F= R/2

domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2016

Linear transmission of motion

Linear trasmission mechanisms, such as pulleys, use linear motion input to produce linear motion output

Levers: A lever is a rigid bar that turns around a point called a fulcrum. Various forces may act on the lever at the same time.

Each force produces a specific torque, which is the force multiplied by its distance form the fulcrum.

                                                TORQUE=FORCE X DISTANCE    F x d = R x r 

Classes of levers: We can divide levers into clases according to the locations of the fulcrum, force and resistance.

Class 1 levers can do both of those things

Class 2 levers increase the force that we apply.

Class 3 levers increase the distance that the end of the lever moves.

Brake levers: Bicycle brakes decrease speed. We control them with levers on the handlebars.

A hand crack: A hand crank has two parts. One is connected to a rotating shaft and the other forms a handle.

F x d = R x r

F= Is the force

d= Is its distance

R= Is the resistance in the shaft

r= Is the radius of the shaft itself.

Bicycle handlebars: The handlebars of a bicycle work like a crank. If we place our hands at the ends of the handlebars, they are easier to turn 

Classification of mechanisms

We can classify mechanisms by the work that they do and gow they function.

  • Trasmission of motion: 1-Linear transmission--> -Lever, -Pulley, -Block and tackle.
         2- Rotary transmission--> -Friction wheels, -Belt drive, -Gears, -Chain drive.

  • Transformation of motion: 1-Rotary-linear--> -Wheel, -Rack and pinion, -Nut and blot, -Crank.
       2-Reciprocating rotary-linear--> -Crank and rod, -Crankshaft, -Cam, -Eccentric

  • Motion control: 1-Direction control --> -Ratchet, -Freewheel.
         2-Speed reduction --> -Brake

  • Energy accumulation: 1-Asorption/ Dissipation --> -Spring.

  • Connection: 1- Linkage --> -Clutch
        2-Support --> -Plain bearing

What is a mechanism?

              A mechanism is a device designed to transform input forces and movement into a desired set of output forces and the movement.

                       They make work easier because they transmit and transform force and motion
             All of these mechanisms requiere an input force and motion from some type of source.
             Mechanisms transmit motion and force to receptors that finally perform the work.This is the output force and motion.

domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2016


Blogs are a special type of web page. They were originally used as online diaries for people to share their personal experiences.

Bloggers publish entries in chronological order, with newer posts appearing at the top of the list.

WIKIS A wiki is a collection of web pages that visitors can edit, modify or expand.
WIKIPEDIA is a universal encyclopedia with no restrictions on use, modification or redistribution.



Internet tool that lets us to organise, use and share information more efficiently.
For example: Diigo, Delicious and Evernote

Some internet services let us create, save and modify documents online. For example Drive, Dropbox and OneDrice


NEWS FEED: Rich Site Summary (RSS)
Is a subscription service that provides users withc frequent updates from media websites, blogs and other sources of information.
People can subscribe in two ways:

-By clicking on a subscribe icon.
-By a news aggregator program.


A web page is a collection of documents that can include text, audio, video, images, hypertext links to other web pages.

A browser is a program that  locates a web page by its address and lets users access the content.
A search engine is a web page with a datebase of information about other web pages and their content.


Social networks are virtual environments for communication, interaction and the sharing of sources.


FACEBOOK: This is a bidirectional social network. Peoplecan publish private and public messages with text, links, news, photos, and videos.

TWITTER: This social network has some unusual features. Users publish short test messages(tweets)with no more than 140 characters.
GOOGLE+: this social network allows users to create circles of friends in order to share information

Vertical social networks

The users of vertical networks form communities who have similar reasons for using this application. These reasons may include:

Sharing proffesional information.

Sharing general information.

Sharing photos.
Instragram, picassa etc..

Sharing videos.

youtube, vimeo etc..

Live streaming:, etc...


WEB 1.0, WEB 2.0 AND WEB 3.0

WEB 1.0: Is a read-only web, that it was used in the 1990s. People couldn't interact with the content, This web have the most basic shape that exists

WEB 2.0: Is a social network that was developed during the first decade of 21st century. Here, the information is bidirectional, people can recieve, create and share information, for example: chats, emails, blogs,

WEB 3.0: Integrated data and the web so that new programs could understand and work with it. Virtual reality, GPS or artificial intelligence are examples of Web 3.0


Hello! Everybody I´m David Zafra Pablo and this is my first blog. Ok, first in the blog you can see a lot of contents about technology, im create this blog for my best teacher of technology.